Life really makes you question the essence of life.

Life makes you question the purpose of existence.

Life makes you wonder what you are here on earth for if at the end of all the struggle you’ll probably die without fulfilling “your purpose”.

Lately, life has been void.

Lately, life is just one disaster after the other.

Why are all the young people dying ?

Sometimes you wish the earth would just open and swallow you up. 

Sometimes you wish life could go back to when you were a child.

Now all you do is ask questions.

Questions you’ll never find answers to.

Questions that bring you pain and cause confusion.

Questions that put you down and under.

Questions that suffocate you.

No, you don’t want a hug.

No, you don’t want to talk to anyone.

Maybe you just want to be left alone with your thoughts.

Perhaps you don’t know what you want.

But one thing you know for sure is that nothing is going right.

Only holding on to hope.

Hope that a lot can change in a year.

Hope for positive change.

Hope which brings joy and satisfaction.

But for now, life is so painful to live. 

Everything hurts. Every little piece of you hurts.

The tears don’t flow. 

Just stale brown eyes bleeding red.

Can’t sleep; don’t want to be awake.

Genuinely having no energy to keep living. 

Just existing and trying not to explode. 

If only life had a reset button, you’d do things differently. 

But for now, the suffering is inevitable.

And you don’t even know how to talk about it.  

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