Do you ever think about death? I know I do. Maybe more often than I’m supposed to.

How often do you think about death?

Do you wonder if death has a smell ?

Some people say they can smell death. Others claim they can see death, especially when they look into someone’s eyes.

Does it mean death has a face?

If so, what does it look like?

Do you ever wonder how you will die ?

When you’ll die ?

If only we had a choice…

I’d want to die a peaceful death- maybe in my sleep so I won’t feel the pain of passing away.

I wonder how it’ll feel to pass away without any warning.

Some people before they die claim they they can feel when they’re about to die. They say “death is knocking at the door”.

Perhaps death has a voice or maybe you can physically interact with it ?

Would you fight it if you could ?

I don’t think I’d ever want to fight death cus death always wins.

Would you say science delays death or snatches someone from the arms of death, especially in “near death situations” ?

People say when it’s not your time to die, you’ll never go.

But what if “we walk in the shadows of death everyday” with death by our side waiting for us to slip up and fall into its arms?

Are you scared of death ?

Personally, I don’t think I am scared of death. I think I am scared of the uncertainty that surrounds death.

What if I am not ready to die ?

Do you think there are people that prepare themselves for death?

But how would you prepare yourself for death ?

What if our spirit is always ready to leave our body regardless of how it leaves ?

You’ll probably think I’m crazy or weird or sucidal but I’m actually not. I’m just comfortable with the idea of death as the final stage in this present life.

You only find this strange because you treat death like a taboo and you probably don’t think about it enough or you’re probably living in denial about the fact that you’ll die someday.

And no, this is not bad vibes.

It’s weird how it seems as if we summon death  when we talk about death.

Maybe death is not a bad thing after all cus they say when we die, our spirit gets to live on in another world.

Which means we get to live again but this time forever.

But the uncertainty of where we will spend eternity will forever linger in our hearts while we are still alive.

It makes you wonder if we truly “REST IN PEACE” when we die.



SIDE NOTE : I love greek mythology so here is a fun fact about Thanatos– greek god of death.

Thanatos, in ancient Greek religion and mythology, the personification of death. Thanatos was the son of Nyx, the goddess of night, and the brother of Hypnos, the god of sleep. He appeared to humans to carry them off to the underworld when the time allotted to them by the Fates had expired. Thanatos was once defeated by the warrior Heracles, who wrestled him to save the life of Alcestis, the wife of Admetus, and he was tricked by Sisyphus, the king of Corinth, who wanted a second chance at life.

Source: Britannica

3 Replies to “REST IN PEACE”

  1. The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
    A quote from Mark Twain.
    Anyone can die anytime and anywhere, so I think we don’t have to fear death but think of what happens after it, I think that’s more important.

  2. These are very deep questions to ponder on. I don’t fear death nor what is after it. When we live fully everyday we wouldn’t worry about death. I love life and not eager to die but when I do die, I will still be happy. And as we mentioned we are eternal beings so we actually never die.

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